Recovery Blvd will help you overcome substance abuse, discover joy for life and love the person you truly are.

Here is what our Client's say...

Age 45
Recovery Blvd helped my son come back to life. At the age of 19 he had burned every bridge and I wondered every night when the call would come that he had died of overdose or by someone else's hand in a drug house. We 100% believe that if he had gone anywhere else and if we had not had the guidance of Autumn, Dalton and Anthony we would of supported or enabled him right back into drugs and alcohol. The first 30 days was really hard and Chase called us once saying he needed to come home, he did not like it, threats to run or find another center. After consulting with his Counselor and Director, Dalton, and finding out that he was being asked to acknowledge, be willing to learn and correct his own behaviors, we just said no. At our 30 day family session my son thanked me and his Dad for saying no. He said that if we had helped him leave or run he would gone to get high again. My son read an apology letter to us and said that Blvd was the best thing that had happened to him in a long time. Our son had lost himself in addiction and also any motivation for a future. When he graduated from Blvd he was ready to start college and had a part-time job. He went on to manage a sober living home for 2 years and then moved into a Portland State University dorm apartment and started a 12 step meeting on campus. He still visits Recovery Blvd regularly and says they are family and they saved his life.
What can you say about the people and organization that took your calls at 9 or 10 pm frantic for help? The place that took the time and explained enabling and how addicts minds work over and over to us? What can I say about the men and women who are so wholly dedicated to saving our young people's lives?Truly, there is no words big enough or profound enough to explain how much we appreciate the staff and owners of Blvd. They are very good with young people and have figured out the secret to young people and sobriety. I cannot say enough about the skills my son learned and the personality change that occurred during his time with them. They took in my addicted, broken, sick, angry, mean boy and he came out a strong, SOBER, insightful, grateful, kind, helpful MAN!! He will now have 4 years this December 2020.
We Accept Most Forms of Insurance
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