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The Leading Prescription Drug Addiction Center for Young Adults  

Are you or a loved one struggling with prescription drug addiction? We’re here to provide the support and guidance you need.  Members at Recovery Blvd learn to conquer prescription drug addiction through evidence-based treatment methods and cutting-edge therapies.

Prescription drug abuse treatment requires compassion

and understanding

Numerous symptoms can lead a person to abuse prescription drugs. 

Our psychiatrists, internal medicine physicians, nurses and therapists are not only experts in prescription drug abuse and addiction treatment. They also have a comprehensive understanding of other psychiatric, psychological and medical conditions that may lie at the root of misuse of prescription medications. They assess each person's entire history of substance abuse, as well as symptoms of pain, anxiety and depression. They may uncover related addictions, such as alcoholism, that may have developed prior to or along with long-term dependence on prescription drugs.

Our substance abuse treatment team also digs deeper than many drug rehab centers into the underlying causes and conditions of the entire addictive disease process. As a result, they often identify co-occurring psychiatric conditions or eating disorders, such as anorexia or bulimia. If unaddressed or under-addressed, co-occurring disorders frequently lie at the root of repeated relapses.

Each person who seeks help at Recovery Blvd will receive an individualized prescription drug abuse treatment program. This individualized, medically-informed approach to treatment and recovery succeeds where other drug rehab programs may have failed. It gives women, men and transgender people and their families a new hope for a healthy, useful and happy future.

What are the signs and symptoms of prescription drug abuse?

Prescription drug abuse and addiction is one of the most poorly recognized types of chemical dependency, particularly in women. A prescription drug is any medicine regulated by law to require a doctor’s prescription before it can be obtained. Prescription drugs generally work by either suppressing or promoting chemical reactions in the brain.

Prescription Drug Abuse - Recovery Blvd Treatment Center in Portland, OR

Three different classes of prescriptions are most susceptible

to abuse:

  • Stimulants: most commonly prescribed for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

  • Opiates: most often prescribed to treat severe or chronic pain

  • Tranquilizers / sedatives: frequently prescribed to treat anxiety disorders or sleep disorders

Drug-seeking behaviors are the primary warning signs of prescription drug abuse, regardless of the chemical make up of the medication. These behaviors include:

  • Frequent requests for refills from physicians

  • Losing prescriptions and requesting replacements regularly

  • Crushing or breaking pills

  • Stealing or borrowing prescription medications from family members, friends, or co-workers

  • Consuming prescriptions much faster than indicated

  • Visiting multiple doctors for similar conditions

  • Inconsistent answers to questions about prescription usage

  • Stealing or forging prescriptions

  • Consumption of over-the-counter drugs for the same conditions that a doctor has prescribed other medication

  • Ordering prescription medications over the internet

Several other behavior patterns often accompany the emergence of prescription drug addiction. They should also be considered signs of a progressing addictive disease process:

  • Noticeable mood swings corresponding to availability or absence of prescription drugs

  • Changing sleep patterns

  • Increasing irritability, especially when prescriptions are unavailable

  • More frequent alcohol consumption

Prescription drug abuse symptoms vary based on the class of drug.

Symptoms of Sedative or Tranquilizer Addiction

A person abusing tranquilizers or sedatives may or may not be conscious of how it impacts their appearance and/or behavior. The most visible symptoms of sedative abuse or addiction may include:

  • Drowsy or Intoxicated appearance

  • Confusion about surroundings or time

  • Unsteady movements and/or mannerisms

  • Involuntary gestures, movements or tics

  • Rapid, involuntary eye movement

  • Poor judgment and decision-making

  • Difficulty with memory

Symptoms of Stimulant Abuse

Symptoms of the abuse of prescription stimulants may include:

  • Extreme agitation or irritability

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • High blood pressure

  • Elevated body temperatures not explained by environment or physical activity

  • Seizures

  • Cardiovascular failure

  • Increasing hostility

  • Feelings of paranoia

  • Insomnia, which may persist for days at a time

  • Unexplained weight loss (which can also indicate an eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia)


Symptoms of Opiate Abuse

Opiate painkillers are prescribed millions of times per year for legal purposes. Some opiate abusers continue using opiates following a legal prescription for a medical condition, while others seek out painkillers either for medical or psychiatric relief. As a result, abuse and addiction can progress very differently in different people. Common symptoms of the abuse of prescription painkillers may include:

  • Depression

  • Rapid decrease in blood pressure not explained by other medical conditions

  • Disorientation or confusion in familiar surroundings

  • Constipation or other digestive irregularities

  • Shortness of breath

Abuse of opiates and painkillers may be equally distinguishable by the withdrawal symptoms a user experiences when they attempt to stop using the drugs. These symptoms indicate the potential for serious medical complications and should be taken very seriously:

  • Cold flashes, regardless of environment

  • Involuntary leg movements (“kicking”)

  • Restlessness

  • Sharp bone and muscle pains

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Cardiac arrest

  • Seizures

An addiction to other drugs or alcohol can also coexist with prescription drug abuse. Many people have been found to mix alcohol with prescription medications to accentuate the feeling of euphoria. This mixture is often referred to as a cocktail. The risk of overdose in this situation is quite high.

Recovery Blvd Treatment Center

Redefine what it means to be in recovery

at Recovery Blvd!

Call now: 503-897-1916

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